How To Use

1. Hold down the Power button until “NEC” logo appears in the display.
2. Press the Select button a few times to display [WiFi Info].
3. Press the Set button to display the Primary SSID.
4. Press the Select button to display the Primary Key and enter the password on your device.
– This device’s limit is 3GB for 3 days but it is almost unlimited. They narrow the bandwidth after 3GB/3days usage but the actual speed is around 6-7 Mbps which is enough speeds for watching movies.
– Although you can use this device almost unlimitedly, if you use a heavy amount, they may limit the speed from time to time. Please be careful!
Q. The internet connection is slow. How do I improve?
A. The WiMAX’s bandwidth is 2.5GHz and the speed is fast if you use it in a spacious field but it gets slow inside the buildings. If you use it inside the building, place it near windows. It will improve the speed.
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